Tuesday, May 29, 2012

McKinney: Weeks 2 and 3.

 Make up time. Here are 2 weeks worth of events.

WEEK 2 in McKinney:

MONDAY - Today was eventful, we went all the way to the dentist which was like 3 hours there and 2 hours back, didn't have time to do anything else. And we got all the way to the dentist and he wasn't feeling good so he asked if we could come back another day. So we had to reschedule. It was horrible. We got back and the other Elders picked us up and took us back and we finished our night, I wasn't too happy, just wanted it to be over with.

TUESDAY - I was not feeling good at all today, my stomach was just killing me, not really throwing up sick but just really really sharp pains in my stomach, the Zone Leaders came over and gave me a blessing and then we continued to work. Resting I guess wasn't an option, we went and bought food and then came back and got picked up and headed to Allen to be dropped off for 8 hours... yeah two doors in and I couldn't even stand up and then my companion decided to suggest that we go back, so we had the Zone Leaders in Allen come and get us and take us back, way cool Elders! Elder Hart and Park. I slept the rest of the day and we had our bikes brought back at night by Hno Runco. After Hna Arreola brought me some meds for my stomach. Such an awesome Branch!
WEDNESDAY - I had a hard time getting up because of my stomach pains, but I got up about 7 and continued on, we did not go out to tract but we did, after Hna Arreola brought us subs, go to our night appointments with Hno Wayne Berr, way awesome member, always wants to help. We visited Jose Lopez and taught about the sacrament and the importance of it. We then talked with a girl named Emily for a while to end our night. Feeling a little bit better. Feel bad for my companion cause he has to deal with a grumpy Elder Jackson.
THURSDAY - Studies and a hair cut to start off my day Planning was the usual, nothing exciting really cause we don't have many people to teach, Nathan Perry who lives in our complex wasn't there, Eduardo and Candi canceled as well. We had dinner dropped off and ate spaghetti with the zone leaders at our apartment. Really good! Angeles canceled, Margarita was someone we contacted, really sweet girl, we have an appointment with her in the future. Gustavo and their family, WAY COOL! He is 14 and looks like he is 18, plays QB and loves football and the church as well. He said Allen is the second best football team in the US and we drove by their stadium and... its like a college stadium. That's how it is out here in Texas. Paco canceled, I got Midweek numbers to end the night.
FRIDAY - ....1 YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm half way can you believe it? I wonder how many blog readers I have lost by now? hahahaha, Today was awesome, we had a zone council today and learned a TON, I got letters from Josh and Shawn as well so that made my day even better! Thanks guys! My package hasn't come yet though :( That's okay, we had dinner and finished studies after the meeting. Such a good day, way way good half way mark.
SATURDAY - We studied and then headed to Eduardos for a lesson and he fed us and talked and talked and talked about how Mexicans are so so much smarter than Americans. HA. I love them but not when they are prideful like that, Juana and Samuel canceled, we tracked a ton and ran into the friend of a member and he did the same as Eduardo, said something very bad "If you ain't white, you ain't right, if you ain't black, your a wetback" SO bad, he went on and on so we just left, ran into some crazy lady who told us there is no way we can be elders and not be married... ok? love the mission. I almost crashed into my companion like 8 times cause he is slow and has no idea where he is going and slams on the breaks at EVERY stop sign even if we were out in the jungle of Africa with not a car within a billion miles. Patience is really good. Dinner and then we headed to Hermana Caballeros ended up talking to her neighbor and setting up a time to come back.
SUNDAY - We had a meeting today and went and talked about our investigators that we don't have. Eduardo came to church! we asked him to ask his boss for Sundays off and before he could even do it they changed it! Can anyone say blessing??? YES! He loved it, the zone leaders taught the class in second hour and he brought up Jehovah being God the Father and we all destroyed it in a loving way, using the bible :) It was awesome. We had lunch when we got back and then at the last second they said we had dinner in like 5 minutes, so I was stuffed after getting done with the Ortegas, My companion for some reason was crying after, stressed from the work, he really is a great missionary and I love him, we are working out the kinks, We got back and I gave him a blessing and he felt much better and insisted in writing it in his journal right then. Then we finished studies and planned.
WEEK 3 in McKinney:
MONDAY - Laundry in the morning, some what of a normal P-Day again. Not. We went to CVS after to print pictures, I printed over 100 and it cost me a lot but love the memories. Thanks for the package FAM, yeah I got it today! Well probably Saturday. Love the pics and songs, already have listened to Josh's song like 90 times, so good! We went to email and my companion decided to set an appointment in the middle of Preparation day when she said any day would be good. I don't understand, so I had 20 minutes to email, it wasn't cool cause she ended up not even being there. We visited Hna Caballero and she made us some papusas which were really good, we then went and played some ball at the church for a bit, then we were in a hurry and went to the store and my companion decided to talk to someone when we aren't supposed to do in stores, and he was not interested and he kept trying, I'm happy he is trying but we were in a hurry. So again the patience had to come in. Hno Sanchez came and got us and we went out and finally for the first time in 2 weeks we taught a full lesson, I shared the first vision and felt much better!!! We then got back and planned till 5 minutes till bed time, so I didn't have time to write in the journal, its all good I'm going to catch up.
TUESDAY - DENTIST! Gotta get this over with, went in and the needles came and I got it over with, didn't feel a thing which is very surprising for me, I usually get some kind of skin curling pain. But he finished and I felt so much better, I was so hungry after but I was so so so numb, could not even blink my right eye, I tried to eat McDonald's and it was falling out of my mouth and I was like chewing with my lips haha it was pretty funny, didn't even taste anything ever. We got back and Chandler picked us up, a man who is going on his mission in Paraguay, in 2 weeks. So we had some good conversations, We had Spanish study and then tracked and I felt so much better! As we were planning the phone rang and it was a familiar number... ELDER DOMINGUEZ, it was good to hear the voice of my child, to tell me I had letters and he needed my address to forward them, so it was good to hear from him, love that elder, and elder Drake! 
WEDNESDAY - District meeting, I trained on my famous obedience is like a banana split haha, it was really good, we had lunch and Spanish study afterwards and then went and talked to ilogio solis and he just talked and talked, my companion fell asleep and I almost did it was so bad. But he said he was coming to church so that's good. We tracked some more and I ran into a nonmember... whose kid was wearing a BYU shirt?? haha, it was pretty funny, we went and saw Hna Caballero she was watching 12 kids so we didn't bug her, she was running all over the place, We talked to a member in the branch who was actually baptized by my trainer, well we talked to his mom and explained 1 nephi 8 with her and the kids, We had Taco Bell for dinner, the zone leaders were talking about bed bugs and I was like laughing cause I never have even been bit once by those things and they were talking about their last areas. After we tried to set up a Family Home Evening which did not work so we went and dropped off the book of Mormon to this guy, Pastor Derrick, way way nice guy. As we were taking off he said "Where you guys heading now, back to your stations?" HAHA, then he shook my hand and then held it and grabbed my companions and then went right into prayer, haha, ah... I'm used to that. 
THURSDAY - Funny story... I woke up with several HUGE bites all over terrible, karma I tell you. We planned today till about 5 o clock!! As the zone leaders came to get us for dinner they were talking to someone on the phone and as I got in the car Elder Willman was like "Hold on I'm going to present you to your son" It was Elder Olsen!!! I talked to him for a while which was really good, His Spanish is still awesome, he told me he was asking for permission from his girls dad that night too! Kids getting married! Then we got to dinner and Hno Diaz was on the phone with someone and he just gives me a hug out of nowhere! He was talking to Elder Olsen... Diaz family is so awesome!!! We had a testimony meeting and then headed back to get picked up by Hno Martinez who said of course "I have a message for you Elder Jackson" I said, "let me guess you talked with Elder Olsen" haha, yep. We then went to Hna Cruzes house and taught... something? Her granddaughter was showing me all her stuff and I was showing her pictures in the book I brought, she was half Chinese and half Mexican, 2nd cutest girl in the world (behind April). So I have no idea what they talked about haha, then we came back and planned and went to bed.
FRIDAY - We tried to do some service today but didn't work out, we tried to go to salvation army but they were closed for the holiday weekend. Then we went and visited a members mom that was in the hospital which was pretty good, kind of awkward because neither of us really know the girl that well. But it was good. We had a lot of tracking and visited some people but no real luck, had one lesson with an Hermano Aleman, who we went in with one plan and taught something else purely by the spirit then we sprinted back (on bikes haha) to the apartment to do exchanges with the English Elders, I went and stayed the night with Elder Macfarlane, SUCH an awesome elder, had a ton of fun.
SATURDAY - Exchanges went pretty well, Elder Macfarlane has valley fever which can act up at any time, so we didn't do much tracking, we went to Wal Mart to get some things for a project, Elder Macfarlane was a writer for Gameinformer and worked for game stop and showed me some awesome pics of his Halo armor he made, so we had a lot in common. Way cool, we had a boss lesson with their investigator who has a date, her name is Khali, we went to the Kimsleys and taught the ten commandments and did an awesome object lesson. Way good. We had dinner with the Udsteads, Brother Udstead was from England, had some really good sandwiches and exchanged riddles at the table. Way fun, we went back and stayed in so he could rest, he was coughing up blood. Then we switched back. 
SUNDAY - Way good sabbath day, ilogio and his wife both came to church but no Eduardo. We taught about the scriptures in second hour and by third hour I was so tired! We got back and ate some lunch and again went to the Ortegas for a super early dinner, I was once again about to blow. We came back and went out and contacted a ton and visited some people, came back in time to plan. Really good sabbath, Sorry for the delay on my blogs. Love you all so much!
Elder Aaron Jackson


Monday, May 21, 2012

Slow Start In McKinney Texas

MONDAY - we had a good pday, went and did laundry and waited while watching cheesy Jerry Springer, we went to email and after I went and got my toothbrush, we were at the zone leaders all day and I was not happy cause I wanted to get packing, not happy cause I was leaving, I went and took pictures with Fernando and Gabby and then all night I was packing, till way late. Hated it.

TUESDAY - To meandering way I went and guess what they told me... I'm district leader!!!! Last second again! Met my new companion, Elder Dahlberg, and saw all my good elder friends, including Elder Drake! We headed for McKinney and I saw a big poster for Hollie, the American Idol girl? The city is way big and awesome. We went to WalMart with our new Zone Leaders, Elder Willman and Lancheros, so good to be back with elder Willman. We had dinner with the Gomez family and came home and hit the road, working hard, no lessons but we worked really hard. We haven't spoken a word of English to each other.
WEDNESDAY - District meeting at 10 then after we ate and visited a less active, Rosibel Caballero. Also ran into a guy who wants to come to church, Ilogio Solis and we also met a guy from the Fiji Islands, way cool! We came back and had a bit of Spanish study before having dinner with the ZL's at our place. We had an appointment at 7 with David Rubio, wasn't there. So we knocked and didn't have much luck, we went to a trailer park and visited some people and knocked some more, we came back and planned, we plan so much here, its way good.
THURSDAY - Studies, planning all day then we went out and about, visited Candi and set up an return appointment for dinner we had the best dinner in the mission so far, TEXAS SHAPED WAFFLES! they were so good with home made syrup. We didn't do much the rest of the night except knock and find no one! 
FRIDAY - We are wasting too much time with investigators who are not progressing! If there is something I need to learn its patience! While at a members house, Elder Walsh and his parents showed up to visit the members, it was raining all day too! We also read the bible with some random guy on the street haha that was pretty interesting. cancel cancel cancel! Working hard but not getting much lessons in or new investigators. patience again.
SATURDAY - We had a short lunch after studies so we could head out and work, Raul Jimenez, was not there again and he is supposed to be the "top progressing" Investigator, 2 other families didn't answer on top of that. We did run into the sisters of this area though which was really good. We knocked and ran into a crazy drunk guy and some other guy who got his bike stolen, interesting people. After we visited a less active and taught him and his friend how to tie a tie and also read about King Noe and Abinadih?? To end our night we met someone from Iran!! it was really cool, and he was really nice.
SUNDAY - Met the branch today, lots of great people, went by super fast!!! then we went to work and visited the appointments we had and then headed to Skype our fams, it was so good to see my family and to talk to Austin, thanks for making my week much better, cause I just didn't have fun at all this week! Families are the best. I got numbers from the district and called it a night.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

TRANSFER: I'm headed to McKinney, Texas!

MONDAY - We showered at our place in the morning and then headed back over to the other elders to head to emailing and Elder Dominguez fell and busted his knee on a rock, NASTY gash, we had to rush to the hospital and he had to get 6 stitches and we waited in the waiting room and watched Cinderella story.... worst movie ever made, We got him back home and then Elder Witbeck and Larson and I, all went to Panda to get food, we were all starving and so he bought us all food, Elder Witbeck. We came back and got everyone and headed to the Mesquite Library to email, it was a lot later than usual because of everything, what a wonderful transfer huh? Mesquite ended up staying the night because we had a meeting in the morning so it was easier.

TUESDAY - Day 350 (according to my Journal) we had a Multi-District District meeting today and President was coming and he came to the front during the meeting and said he had to talk to some elders, and he called our entire district in and we were just like, oh great... We got in and he just wanted to know how we were and to make sure we were not killing anyone! Cause this transfer has been by far the worst ever!! I love President, he talked about Nephi and his bow, I wrote like 10 pages in my study journal because I was just so impacted by the Spirit. We went to subway after with everyone and ate then the other elders took the Lakewood elders home and Elder Latham and I waited for them to come back, so we walked around, went to Dollar Tree and went to Albertson's and then we talked to this Spanish guy who asked if we did Exorcisms cause he had an evil spirit possessing him haha, the people you meet, we got picked up and headed back, on the way back (of course) Elder Larson got pulled over and got a ticket.. We sat in the car just like WHAT THE HECK! but in silence and I just said one thing, "Don't worry elders.... this transfer is ALMOST over..." We got back and headed to the Kubosumis for dinner.

WEDNESDAY - We kind of had a part pday cause we didn't get paid on Pday like we should have been so we went shopping and did laundry today we also had to go back for a check up on Elder Dominguez's knee and get his meds, we had Jack n the box with the Luthers for dinner and I didn't like it so much, kinda gross. Then I went to another church for the first time in my entire life, we went to Tim's baptist church and it is so so different and the people there are way way way nice though. I only felt more grateful for my church and the fullness of the Gospel in my life, but they were all so nice and I thought it was a good experience.

THURSDAY - We went to the Taqueria for lunch with the district and ate for free, because its owned by members, and it was so so so so good! best tacos in the world! We got done and we went with Fernando to teach a friend of his that he works with then after he went looking for some friend of his to help fix his AC that lived clear down town! We got back at 4, stopped at Home Depot to buy whats called "Bengal Spray" for the stupid cockroaches, we got back and went to Brother Drummonds for dinner, it was amazing as usual then we came back and sprayed the place down!
FRIDAY - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY BROTHER!!! Elder Witbeck, my loving baby brother, turned 20 on this wonderful cinco de Mayo eve. We got back to the apartment in the morning and there were dead roaches EVERYWHERE! The stuff worked! We stayed in cause of my companions leg and then we went to Olive Garden for Witbecks birthday, such a waste! 19 bucks for an okay meal. OVERRATED!!! we were all mad but Witbeck was just enjoying it haha, he laughs about everything, that's why I love the kid so much. We went to Toys R Us to get some board games for Pdays and they bought some stuff, we didn't do much for the rest of the night.

SATURDAY - We got up on this wonderful transfer call day and went to Walmart to print some pics, one for Jose of his baptism and some others, HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO! we didn't realize it was today till a Mariachi band was playing in Walmart randomly haha, we again couldn't do much with Dominguez's leg so we went and bought meat at the Rio Grande to make Fajitas, we were grilling out on the court and shooting hoops when about 15 black kids came and just started shooting with them, I was wearing my Al Jefferson shirt, and we started playing, me and elder Falk, two white kids, with a ton of black kids, after 2 dunks and several 3s one of the kids asked if I was in the NBA, haha I asked "What makes you think that?" he replied "your shirt" hahahaha shows you how much people actually know about the Jazz, so we convinced them I was for a few years, and they wanted my autograph hahaha it was so fun. Then 9 rolled around, calls were coming in throughout the mission of where missionaries were being changed, we got a call from President and it was just to see how Elder Dominguez was feeling haha scared us both! Then Elder Drake called us saying he was taking my spot!!!!! so now I was just waiting for the call, and nothing all night. NOTHING!

SUNDAY - They called me in the morning. I'm going to McKinney with Elder Dahlberg. Wow. I wanted to stay, church was great though, fast and testimony meeting, I translated and did a great job at it!!! I can speak Spanish!! :) I also got up and talked about the patience I learned through this unpleasant transfer and my love for my companion and district, it was really good. I taught the Gospel Principles class and then got a ton of pics with members... Brother Chapman, probably my favorite member, the first one I met and the one who ALWAYS brings up I can dunk and is the coolest old man I have ever met! KISSED ME IN ONE OF MY PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO ELSE CAN SAY THEY WERE KISSED BY AN 80 YEAR OLD MAN ON THEIR MISSION!! hahaha, we went home real quick after taking pics, ate a little and then went to dinner with the Connyers.... so crazy, they always have 60 people running around in their house and it gets a little annoying, but we got out alive and went and visited Jose, he is such a boss. We got done and came back to pack a little and go to bed. Crazy transfer, I'm done with transfer number 7!! can you believe that! time flies, 11 days till hump day haha, love you all so much, all that are writing me, you are truly my friends and loved ones, thanks for following too!
Elder Aaron Jackson