Monday, July 30, 2012


MONDAY - We went to the dealership early in the morning to take the car in to be fixed and then went and played ball for a while. Way fun, love it how I still feel like I could play for a day straight. We went back to get the car and of course... like most dealerships they tried to jip us on something! We didn't get it all figured out till about an hour and a half later! It ate up a lot of time! So we got back and hurried and emailed and the other elders came as well and emailed and we headed to Kilgore to get a ride in the firetruck! We got a tour of the station and tried on the hat and jacket and then we had to leave and they got a call so we didn't get to go out. We got to spray the hose though? that was a lot of fun! We then went to the Sellers for a FHE night and the fire chief was there and it was really good. We had some brownies and banana pudding! We ran out of there and headed to Candis house to have another FHE and a lot of the Spanish branch was there and we taught the lesson on the the Holy Ghost and following the still small voice. We also did an act after where we cut holes in a shirt and I wore the shirt and elder rouse put his arms through the shirt and was my arms and covered my face with shampoo, shaving cream, and all sorts of stuff. It was a ton of fun, all of them had their phones out and were video taping telling us they would be on Facebook hahaha, way good night!

TUESDAY - HAPPY PIONEER DAY! hahaha, of course no one is celebrating it out here but still! Today was awesome! We had to do some interviews for a companionship in our district and so we got to go to Oklahoma and to Arkansas! We did 6 interviews, the first two in Arkansas and the rest in Idabel. One of the guys we interviewed was a Rams fan!!! YES!!! All of these people are Marshalise people? and are so awesome! Nicest people in the world! Like Hispanics, except not such a hard Catholic background. We got done and ate some lunch at Braums and then headed back to Texas. We were driving a ton, probably around 6 hours of drive time. We got back and did some tracting and didn't have much luck. We had a lesson with the Albas and Jessica and Javier both talked about the Word of Wisdom problems they have and it was a good to know and we offered help in any way we could. Love that family. We then headed to the Branch Presidents house for dinner but ate with just his wife and her Grandpa. We then headed to the church to teach Jennifer the 10 commandments and keeping the Sabbath day holy and we gave her another blessing. Another awesome night!
WEDNESDAY - We both woke up super sick, I took a 2 hour nap at lunch to get rebooted and we went out and knocked again not having much luck. We then had a lesson with Josh Chubb talked about temples. After we ran to the Sellers to do service and we ripped out an old garden for them avoiding the 1000 spiders that were everywhere! We got done there and headed to the Sadlers for dinner. Such an awesome family!!! Food was amazing too! Then we ended out night knocking. Went by so so so fast!
THURSDAY - Planning days are the best huh.... haha. Today was weird because I was just planning cause elder rouse is leaving! We planned and went and got the change of address form and tracted till dinner. We had dinner with the Johnstons. Peruvian food is so good! Then we tracted the rest of the night, with very little luck :(
FRIDAY - We got up and after studies we went and made fliers for the movie night on Aug 18th checked the mail and my GPS came! thanks Dad!!! We went out and were tracting and almost every door slammed in our face. So we visited a Spanish family and had some ice cream before heading to Jennifers to read 2 Nephi 31 with her. We had dinner at the Johansens and had some very good meatballs and potatoes. Such an awesome family. We went to an appointment in this ghetto trailer park and we talked to this old white lady with no teeth inviting us to swim in her yucky pool... so weird. Not a good place to be at night! Everyone was drunk! We did have the lesson with Monica and it was good till the end when she told us the Holy Ghost is the prophet.... EVERYONE IS CONFUSED!!! If everyone ACTUALLY read the bible they would know that this is the only true church on the face of the earth. That's why were are out here I guess, to help the people :)
SATURDAY - We went to Kilgore to visit with Chip Smith just for a little before heading to the Albas for a short lesson and pictures. We tracted until dinner and had pizza at the Ramirez's and man Candi is progressing rapidly. Love that family! We ate and had a lesson about the Word of Wisdom and we gave him a blessing that he would be able to leave coffee and beer and at first he didn't want to do it but as soon as I finished the blessing he asked us to take all the coffee in his house and beer and we did. He didn't have any beer but we took all his coffee. It was truly a miracle! As we were taking pics we got calls on my new companion. I will be training Elder Chappel as a Zone Leader! So nuts! He is from Chicago and so my 9th companion and still yet to have one from Utah! NUTS! I'm excited though, we did another my arms for elder rouses body act and ended the night :)
SUNDAY - Spanish branch Elder Rouse spoke and then in English we both spoke. It was a really good talk I think, love speaking! Lot of goodbyes for elder rouse today and so we didn't get out of church till about 5 with all the meetings and stuff, so all those who complain about 3 hours of church and you know who you are :) I'm in church from 10 to 5 every Sunday! We headed to tract a bit and then we went to dinner at the house of the Cadenas family and we helped them make the Gorditas the REAL gorditas not the fake ones at Taco Bell. They were amazing and it was so fun! Love the Spanish branch. We were telling jokes and we were trying to understand the humor in Spanish but its hard hahaha, Candi came and his family and I just love them a ton, they are so great. We had a lesson with Jennifer and then we went and did numbers and didn't get done till about 10:30 and to bed til 11:30! Crazy week! thanks for all the support! LOVE YOU ALL!
Elder Aaron Jackson

Sunday, July 29, 2012

One Year In Texas!

MONDAY - We played some ball with some huge black boys today and it was a lot of fun. I still feel like I could play for 8 hours straight without rest and without letting up. Takes me 5 minutes to feel like I'm perfectly in shape again. We went to Mcdonalds and I ordered and they took 35 minutes to get me my stinking pie... I was not happy. But you gotta love the people, she was Hispanic so I wasn't as mad haha. We got some stuff and headed to the other elders and ate chile rienos which were really good. Stuffed jalapenos with cream cheese in the middle and bacon wrapped around them. YUMM! But way hot. The other elders played magic cards which brought some good memories back of playing on game nights with the family. We had a lesson with Jennifer she is still awesome as can be! We taught Tony as well. Overall it was a good night.    

TUESDAY - What a wonderful day today was! We ran to the store to get some stuff for the interviews for today and then headed to the church to have them. So good to see President again. We had 3 talks from elders and Elder Witbeck came changed into a orange suit! It was so funny! We did our training as well and it was awesome! Then we had interviews and President, like always, gave me some clues for the next transfer. "Elder Jackson you are right where I want you right now, your very gifted with the Spanish language, your a leader! Its time for you take over and step it up. Your healthy and I need you" It was a great interview and I just continued to think like I always do. Why me? I never saw me being a leader, but it fulfills my patriarchal blessing for sure. It was so good and after was a bit different.. almost all our appointments canceled. But we kept our heads high and kept going. We had dinner with the Hendersons and ate some good food and went and just prayed. Then we had exchanges with the members. I went with Hermano Plascencia to do Spanish work and Elder Rouse did English work for the night. They had some luck. Us? Not so much. THANKS FOR THE PACKAGE YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN!    

WEDNESDAY - HAPPY 1 YEAR IN TEXAS YALL!!!!!! Yep that's right I done been here for a year in the land of the Texas! We took the car in to the ford dealership to get it checked out and then we went to Josh Chubb for a quick lesson. We just had a quick lesson with him and then ran back to the church to meet up with the assistants to do an exchange with them for the day and it was way good! We taught 11 total lessons. I taught 6 and Rouse 5. It was so good! We visited Candelario a Spanish investigator that has been investigating for 4 years and never accepted a date for baptism and I was kind of doubting cause President asked us to invite EVERYONE the first lesson or next lesson. So I was kind of doubting because the assistants are English so it was just me teaching the whole time. But I extended the invite and he said yes. I'm the first elder to do that apparently so it was a MIRACLE. We tracted and got into a lesson as well and set another date as well! We were on fire! We got back and went to bed with a smile on our faces. Crazy day! Lots of fun!    

THURSDAY - Yay planning day! for week 6!!! WHERE DID THE TIME GO?! We had a lunch that threw off our whole day. Some weird brother Elliot guy and he kept us in his gross home for 3 hours and we felt sick after eating that junk. We were there so long that we almost immediately went to dinner which was way good! We then went out and did exchanges again. I went with Brother Johansen and we went out to Kilgore to invite 4 families to a big Family home evening. We got back and headed home.    

FRIDAY - Really poopy day today. We both woke up not feeling well at all, head aches and stomach aches. People really don't realize what weed does to others. Its so bad! We got word though... that we are moving! So we started right away, we went and had dinner with the familia Alba and then came back and moved the rest of the night.    

SATURDAY - We got up and headed to the baptism that the other Longview elders had and Jennifer was there too. We taught the restoration during the waiting time and then after the service we had another lesson with her which was way good. She is way awesome! After we came back and cleaned and moved and chucked so much JUNK! We then went to Sellers to have a quick meeting with him and then went to dinner with the Sorensens. Way good! Then we went to Hermano Cadenazes house and took him out and 30 minutes before the end of the night all hell broke loose... Tony texted us and dropped. No more date with him or lessons. Lois Bush called and was griping at me for an hour! She is gone now. Not a good way to end the night. But we need to keep our heads high. Its after the trial of our faith!    

SUNDAY - Good sabbath day and really  the miracle that came was awesome! We went to tract this trailer park to find some Hispanic families and we were tracting by an investigator, Oscar and he pulled up while we were tracting so we ran over there and offered to help him with his food. We went in and he offered a bunch of food to us and we were both thinking that we should have left because we were wasting time and we needed to find. But we both stayed and didn't move and as we sat down for a short lesson a knock at the door came and a family of 6 walked in and we ended up having an awesome lesson with them and watched the Restoration video with them and it was way good. It was a miracle! Love this work and I am enjoying every moment. Love you all and thanks so much for the letters and support! Elder Aaron Jackson

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Best Week In the Mission So Far!

MONDAY - Yall ready for the best week and most successful one in the mission this far? Okay so today was a great preparation day. We had studies in the morning and then we went and played ball with 16+ people. Awesome! My companion and I dominated! SHOUT OUT to Cailey and Josh for the letters thank you so much! Loved them, thanks for taking the time to write me. We emailed, which was fantastic as always. We then had about an hour to write letters and some how in... well about an hour and a half. I wrote 6 letters which was really good. Then we went to TEXAS ROADHOUSE!!! oh man it was so good, Elder Rouse had a gift card sent to him for 65 dollars and we went and I got a 20 ounce sirloin and he got a 22 ouncer! We pounded them till our tummys couldn't handle it anymore haha, but we finished them and ate some rolls too YUMMMMMM! Then we went to work, tracted in a scary trailer park and taught 2 lessons, one which didnt go anywhere and then another with a part member family. The Ramirez family. 2 lessons is not bad for a Pday.

TUESDAY - We had district meeting at the stake center and it was a way good one. We talked about kicking old habits and how its like an apple. How apples can look really good on the outside but you have to bite into them to really find out the taste of them. So we got some apples and wrote (every one of us) a habit that we have that we want to get rid of and we lined up the apples and all took a turn with a golf club, destroying them! It was so fun! Then as we were walking back inside there was a member outside who offered to take us all to a buffet, which was okay. We ate and then ran and got a bday card for Sister Sadler and picked up Andy Loy and went tracting. Talked to some people. Got in with this kid named Tony Adkins and had a lesson with him than bulleted back to the church to teach Lois Bush at the church and we taught the Word of Wisdom and also about Obedience and I just love teaching this woman. So fun to joke around with and her kids always want to play basketball with us calling me Lebron and funny stuff like that haha, love her family. We had to run to the Albas to have a lesson with him but he was sick so we left and waited at the church for another lesson with Brent Day... who didn't show up! We went into the meeting with President Wagley and with President Durrant on the phone and talked about the stake and what was going on. Lot of great things happening with us thats for sure. President commented that he really liked how hard we were working and to keep it up. I love President Wagley, he is so funny "Hey president people have been saying its impossible to baptize in east Texas" President (while pounding on his desk in his east Texas accent) "THATS BS! ITS BULL!" hahaha, after we got out of that we ran to the car and drove to teach a referral that was given to us and it was amazing! She knew it was true and the Spirit was so strong that we gave her a blessing and she was crying and she accepted to be baptized and we just left gleaming with joy. Nothing better than this work I tell you. NOTHING! Thanks for the blessings Padre Celestial :)
WEDNESDAY - We ran to the computers after studies to order an ensign for sister Sadler and then we came out and it was pouring so we decided to do our planning today and we were on the phone for 2 hours. Also Shawn wrote me so thank you so much Great White! haha. Then we had to do some cleaning up in the Zone and so we went over to the other Longview Elders and said "whats up? how come your not working and how can we help you?" It was really good and we hope to see some changes from it. We went and grabbed Steven and headed to Kilgore to contact another referral that we had and it was a waist of time.. we tracted some down there and then also visited a less active in the Spanish branch and then headed back to Longview to go to dinner. We went to dinner with the Wilsons, older couple and we went to Ryans buffet, ever heard of it? that's what I thought. It's the worst ever! GROSS! But way nice people who wanted to just talk about all the people that have died... in their family... it was really random! We then went and taught Oscar with Hermano Placencia and it was all over the place, he had so many random and pointless questions, we taught the Restoration though which was good. After we went to the Ramirez family again and had a lesson with popcorn! Tha'ts what I love about this transfer, its not boring! We are being creative in every way possible! Unlike last transfer... anyway we ended our night their. We have been having some problems with our neighbor though... she has been smoking Marajuana and it comes through our vents and so I have had dreams of being hugged by girls and them trying to squeeze so hard that I cant breath and then I actually wake up breathing hard and then another one... where the members of the church tried to crucify me! We have also been a bit crazier and running around and eating SO MUCH! never thought I would, of all places, break the Word of Wisdom on my mission HAHAHA!
THURSDAY - We went to the court house to translate for Hermano Placencia but he didn't show so we wasted like 8 miles... not good, we made some calls and found some more crap we have to clean up in the zone. Elders doing what President Durrant calls "Dumb Dos" So that was fun. We stopped in a park and talked about what we could do to help them. Then we went right to work and 2 out of the 4 doors we knocked we got in and had lessons. One of them the Hermana asked me if I wanted some Enchiladas but I forgot we were fasting so we had to run them to a member near by to give them to them so we could go back to work. We taught a lesson with a Miguel guy which was really good! Then we headed to the church to teach Lois Bush and we taught the Plan of Salvation and then we did the hardest thing... pushed her baptismal date back to August because she is just not ready, needs to come to church a few more times and she started crying and so we had to talk to her for a while. She is great though, really wants to be baptized. We taught some random Spanish girls after with Andy Loy and it was crazy because one of them looked EXACTLY like Kelsey! Then we headed to dinner and had amazing Tacos (the good ones) at a members house and we both ate 12 each! They were fantastic, and they were Tacos de lengua, tounge. We had a short lesson with Jennifer Reel (the awesome referral we got on Tuesday) and she asked for another blessing cause her throat was hurting her and guess what? as soon we took our hands off her head she was healed. Completely. Miracle! I know this is true! We read from 3 Nephi 11 and then she had to go back to her shelter home where they confiscated her Book of Mormon and said it was evil... I don't understand why people are like that. ITS TRUE!!! READ THE THING!! We have to show love to everyone but people are putting themselves into damnation. Where they cannot progress anymore. Our church offers more than any other and people are blinded. They are just to stubborn to take a shot at it, give a chance. Anyway... we stopped at Sonic on the way home to get half priced shakes :) and then got permission to sleep at the other elders because of how bad it was in our apartment. We also called Henderson and they told us about their dumb do which was... giving a ride to a drunk, high, cross dresser, bumb guy... BIG NO NO! 
FRIDAY - We had breakfast in the morning and studied and went to Josh Chubbs and had.. more breakfast and it didn't even phase us. Munchies..? Yeah this whole weed thing is getting to us! We had a good lesson with Josh and then got another referral down there and we checked the address and drove there and it was like this small religious building called "Real talk" We were thinking... oh great! We knocked and this 20 year old guy let us in and was so open! Miracle cause Elder Rouse gave a card to this guy that was part of this group and he referred all his friends and this guy (Steven Vowell) is way interested and we gave him a Book of Mormon and by the end of the night he ran into the other elders at Walmart and asked for 2 more for his friends! We will also be attending one of his meetings that they hold every month, with a ton of people that get together from Kilgore college and talk about religion. BYU-Kilgore anyone? We are excited. Went back to the courts to help Hermano placencia and again... didn't need us this time! Waisted another 8 miles, we need to drive into Dallas the 25th!!! WE NEED THE MILES! We came back and got Steven Harris to come with us to a lesson with Tony and it was way good. He said yes to being baptized and playing ball with us Monday. After that... well we were still hungry even after having lunch and 2 breakfasts! So it just so happened to be dress like a cow and get free chick fil a day! :) So we cut some black spots out of paper and taped it on our shirts and I had a tail and my comp had a nose and we got a free meal and ate it... 45 minutes before dinner. It was good. We took pics too so no worries! We dropped him off and went to the Alba's something I forgot to mention haha, the girl that's not a member her name is Jessica! How cool would it be to say I baptized Jessica Alba!!! :) We ate a ton there too, its like we are bottomless pits! We had a really good lesson in Spanglish, switching back and forth. After we noticed we taught wierd so we called President and he told us "You didn't come on you mission to get high on marijuana" HAHAHA, I love President. I told him we would talk to the management and get us out of there or get her out of there. Might have to call the cops. We headed to the church and were going to go do visits but no one came! We went and visited 2 less actives and went to a lesson with the Sadlers with the Sellers. Talked about Tithing. BUSY BUSY BUSY!
SATURDAY - We made the progress sheets for Sunday and we are looking super good. Miguel canceled and said he was going to Fort Worth then we drove by to go tracting in that area and we saw him, got to love catching people in their lies! We taught some random guy and then went to dinner at 1... random super early dinner. It was good, then we ate some chili Reinos with some random family so good! We will have to make some when I get back. Its a jalapeno with all the seeds and stuff cut out filed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon YUMM! We ate and talked and went on tracting. One door we knocked we got chased by dogs and when she answered we were on the other side of the street and she just laughed hahaha, I love being a missionary for those moments. Almost getting eaten by dogs... gotta love the mission life! We had a Coordination meeting with Hermano Cadenaz and it was really good! We had dinner with Gerado Cadenaz and his family and had some amazing chicken and ribs and beans and rice of course! haha, we were playing with this kid Rodrigo? funniest little kid ever! We ate and then had a lesson with the Ramirez family and ran to Oscars and had another long crazy lesson with a ton of questions here and there that weren't important.
SUNDAY - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELDER ROUSE! We went to Spanish branch and no one came :( No investigators... We left during priesthood to get to English ward. Jennifer was there early and they took her other Book of Mormon and didn't even want it touching the desk of who took it so the girl wrapped it in plastic! can you believe that!!! Church was great and we taught gospel principles and had a meeting after and ran to a lesson with Jennifer and taught the Plan of Salvation. Then we ate with Hermana Mansivais and at Posole which is really good. Ran to the Johansons and had a lesson with the Sadlers and had cake too. Ran to the Rossows to get numbers from the Zone and had cake there too... crazy week but most success I have had. Seen so many blessings this week I tell you. Miracles here and there and I know its true. I love this work and I know its the Lords work and this is HIS church. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on the face of the earth and if you don't believe that? well... Jesus Christ himself will tell you that in the last day. Love you all and have a great week. I know I will. 
Elder Aaron Jackson

Monday, July 9, 2012

Like A Kid In A Candy Store!

MONDAY - We had to get money so we got up and headed to the bank and withdrew money and went and got Mcdonalds breakfast. YUMMYY! We came back and did laundry and I also would like to congratulate Brendon Foster for his mission call. He is going to be such a great asset to that mission and I am just so proud of his decisions and what he has done to prepare to go. I love you BFOS! Captains for life! We went and got some matching ties and the Berlington Coat Factory and then we headed down to Kilgore with excitement to go the Oil Musuem there. Closed! So bummed, we ate some dinner at a BBQ place that had absolutely no flavor at all. Then we went to our lesson with Jorge Huerta and it was incredible, family of 5 who just let us in and we had a lesson about prayer and then played some huckle buckle beanstock with the family and they loved it and everyone was involved and we left just high in the clouds and pumped for the week, 5 new investigators for the day! We went and taught Josh Chubb and talked about fasting and the power of it. Way good lesson. We headed back and hit the sack with our heads high.

TUESDAY - District meeting, its so good to see Elder Witbeck again. We had a great meeting and after we headed down to Genghis Grill and ate with them. Heard some Linkin Park for the first time in a year, way crazy. We ate and then we decided because they just opened up Marshall we would drive down there with them and help them out, so I got to go tracting with my MTC companion, I love Elder Witbeck, he is the bomb! We taught one lesson and one door we knocked they didn't answer and there was a skateboard in the lawn and after what 3 years without stepping on a board or at least 2, I landed a kick-flip first try hahaha, I don't think Elder Witbeck expected it. We ended before five and met up and headed back so we could go to dinner with the Whitmans. Way good dinner, love the Whitmans. She is a great cook and person. Then we hit the trailers and did some knocking and got in the first door we knocked and had some Sopes which are really good flower things with beans and salsa and stuff, taught a lesson to this family and then headed home. Got a letter from BFOS, with the map of his mission, man I was just freaking out. I'm so happy for the guy.
WEDNESDAY - HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!!!!!!! :) hope you had a good one. We were working on the Stake presidents report and then we walked to Marlenes to have a lesson, about an hour and a half walk. We got there and she said she will not commit to baptism... it was heart breaking. Things were going so well with her and now it just fell off a cliff.
We started our journey back and the other elders drove by and gave us a ride. We ran to the Mexican market to get some stuff for salsa and then came back and made it for the Sadlers. We had dinner after that and we went to the Flores family and they gave us so much food, 6 tostadas and a HUGE bowl of ice cream, I was about to blow after. We went to the church and had a lesson with the Sadlers about the Holy Ghost and had them all take a turn being blind folded and had one person be the Holy Ghost and the rest be other voices and the person had to follow the right one. It was a lot of fun. After we went to the Hendersons and she gave us these little red peppers to try and they tore us up!! We were sweating and crying and my stomach hurt for the next 3 days from that little devil. Elder Rouse decides after to make a salsa with like 50 of them!!!! I haven't touched it. We got our car washed and then headed home cause we cant really do much. People are out drunk and crazy.
THURSDAY - Stake president report till 2 in the afternoon, gunclick bang!!! We wanted to get out and work but this thing takes forever! We got a call from Lois and she wants to be baptized so that's really good. We had dinner with the Johnstons and had food from Peru. Super good! We then went out with Brother Sellers for the night, visiting people and such. Not a whole lot of luck but yeah, not a lot today due to planning and to numbers at night.
 FRIDAY -  Today was looking good, we had 6 set appointments. We had one at 12 with Curtis who canceled. Then we went and knocked some really ghetto ghetto ghetto trailers. The first one we knocked? 9 dogs came out from the deck! It was crazy, we had an early dinner due to all the appointments. We had one appointment in that trailer park with a Latissia girl and she just did not get what we were explaining! Gotta love everyone though :) and we do! We then ran to another trailer park across the map to visit a Javier and his non member wife. Way good lesson. Keona canceled and we didn't have someone with us to go to the Sadlers so we had to cancel. We had Whataburger, my first time and it was pretty good! Then the rain and lightning came like crazy!!! Love it out here I'm like a little kid at a toy store, just Ooos and ahhhs coming from my mouth every second and a big smile on my face! We came back and hit the camas.
SATURDAY - Studies and off to the church to meet up with Lois who... didn't show up.... We had Andy Loy with us and we ended up taking him with us (19 year old preparing for a mission) to the trailer park with us to tract and we had two lessons but all in Spanish so we decided to leave so he could be a part of the lesson, We dropped him off before going to dinner with the Whitmans again. We had stuffed peppers which were really good and I shared my mission story and why I was out and what drove me and about my family and stuff. I love sharing that cause it helps me remember why I'm out here and who is supporting me. LOVE YOU FAMILY! :) We then went to the Huertas to stop by, remind them about church and then went to Josh Chubs to start a fast with him for fast Sunday and to help him. We headed back after that and we talked about something called Standards of Excellence and how we wanted to get it and we were close. Our bodies soon took over and said SLEEP!
SUNDAY - What a day... So nuts, we went to the Spanish branch and no one came and we need at least 3 in church for the standards of excellence and then we went to English ward and no one. We didn't get it. We worked so hard though and I'm super happy. We did have 3 confirmations though, I confirmed Sadie Sadler and Julien also got the Priestood. Way good day in church. Lois came for a little bit which was nice. We headed to dinner and had pasta! SO GOOD! home made ice cream on top of that. We came back and got Andy Loy and went to the Sadlers and talked about Temple work and the Priestood and then gave Sister Sadler a blessing. Nuts, 5 ordinances I participated in today. It was really good and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. We went and got numbers after that and went to bed quickly after getting home at 10:30. Well I just want to thank you all for following and reading up on my blog, I love you and I love this church. I know its true and that living by its precepts brings more blessings than anything else on this earth. Love your best buddie,
Elder Aaron Jackson

Monday, July 2, 2012

Zone Leader aka Busy Bee

MONDAY - Got our studies done and hit the church at about 10:30 and played some ball, First game I did good but the second I didn't even miss a shot, on fire!!! We did Laundry at the other elders aptmnt and it took forever, we took a nap to catch up on our sleep and then we went to the church and had a lesson with Lois Bush and with Brother Rossow, way good lesson, taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We then found out that our investigator, Marlene, her son was going 65 on his bullet bike and hit a deer and was in the hospital, the doctors said he should have been dead, his bike was messed up so bad. We went and gave him a blessing and then went to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to the Johansons for a Family Home Evening with the Sadlers. We got there and talked about baptism and got all the info for the program and then played Huckle Buckle Beanstock hahahaha, such a fun game. We will have to play when I get home ;)

TUESDAY - District meeting in Henderson, way good. Practiced contacting and different ways to do it. After we went to Taco Bell for a district lunch, Elder Rouse and I play this game where we look for Slug bugs and Camaros (new ones) and we yell them out when we see them and who ever calls the most of them wins haha, so fun. We then got back and headed to the church to have another lesson at 2 with Lois Bush we were running a bit late and she called and tried to make an excuse and I talked her out of it and she said she would come and we got there with Steven Harris and waited 25 minutes and then her husband called and said all this stupid stuff, so we left and we are only going to wait now. Ball is in her court. We then went and started tracting and the first door we knocked we got in, David Cruz. We had a lesson but he was pretty stubborn... after we went to Marlenes and Freddy? Guy who got in a wreck on his bike, is now walking. Miracle DING DING DING :) We had a lesson with Marlene and then drove into Tyler so I could do an interview for Elder Jorgenson and Dominguez, I talked a bit with him and he is not happy with Jorgenson, they aren't getting along, after we went to this place called WIENERLAND!!! hahahaha, we wanted to go so bad, small little hotdog place, it was closed though :( So we headed to the Zone Leaders aptmnt in Tyler and went to bed, Elder Hadlock, one of the ZL's, is best friends with Corbin Walker, a kid that worked with me at Fresh Market, the Mormon world is so small! We hit the sack, long drive tomorrow. Got letters from BFOS and Todd as well.
WEDNESDAY - We drove for 3 hours into Dallas and had an awesome Zone Leader Council and learned a lot, the mission is hurting right now, lot of stupid disobedience things and stuff like that and it hurt me, I was thinking about it all day and how we could get our missionaries excited and back to work so we can see the blessings of the Lord! We drove back and that's all I was thinking about as we fasted and prayed, We didn't get back till about 8 or so and had a lesson with a referral we got, watched Finding Faith in Christ and then went home and dropped like dead pigeons.
THURSDAY - Anthony Johnson, had a lesson and he kind of seems interested but at the same time no, after we started planning and that meant 45+ phone calls trying to help everyone in the Zone. We called all the District Leaders and gave them the info from yesterday and then we headed at 4 to the Gibsons, had an awesome lesson with them and went the the Sellers for dinner yummmmy, we also helped fix their slide for their pool and I saved their 1 year old from diving right in! so scary, then we went out to visit some people with Bro Sellers. Jorge Huerta? canceled. Jones family? Cancel. Finally we got in with some less active who has no testimony anymore whatsoever. That was our Thursday night.
FRIDAY - Exchanges, at 8 we drove to meet Idabel and do exchanges, drove through Shawns mission which was cool, I was with Elder McNinch for the day, way cool elder, love him! we were exchanging stories on the way back. He ran into his ex on the mission!!! Can you imagine that!!?? so crazy! We came back and had studies and then went out to work, talked to some cool people, had 2 lessons and helped some girls with hauling their beds in to their apartment. We then went to visit the Robinsons, were not there. We had dinner at Cici's Pizza YUCK, but Sister Jones took us, really sweet old lady. We went to Marlenes to change our appointment and then went to the Church to walk the Sadlers through the baptism and watch "Only a Stonecutter" Then one more lesson with David to end our night. Shawn thanks for the pics!
SATURDAY - We exchanged back and Gilmer came up there as well to give Idabel the truck and then we went to the church on the way back to get clothes for Bro Johnston and then went to Cancun to eat some amazing Tacos and then to Hermano Cadenas, we had a little meeting with him at his house and confirmed dinner and guess where he took us? CICI's!!!!! ugh, after that we ran to the Sellers and gave Brother Seller a progress sheet and took off to Joshs, talked with his parents then went to his work to visit with him and then went back to plan, planned and then visited some peeps, Tyston Stewarst (Less active) then... Brother Prince.... Craziest guy I have ever met, stopped wearing his garments because its hot... dumbest thing I have ever heard! He was talking about UFO's and crazy things and he served a mission and his wife too!!! I don't get it! So crazy, after that we went to Cicis for dinner and after Elder Rouse threw up on the way to our next appointment and then we taught Neomi and then went to the hospital to visit Angel, son of a member, that's how we ended our night. Running all over the place.
SUNDAY - Church from 10 to 4, then had the baptism which was amazing, I'm grateful for the Sadler Family and their faith. We had refreshments after and then went to dinner with a Spanish family and the Hermana asked how I decided to come on my mission so I told the whole story and it was really good, I love reflecting on that, it brings joy that I'm out here. We went to the Johnstons and did numbers, did not get back till about 11, our zone has the most dates in the mission!!! WHOOT!!! GO TDM!!! love you all so much! :) 
Elder Jackson