Monday, March 18, 2013

21 Years Old!

March 11 - 17, 2013

MONDAY - I had a wonderful birthday today! We got up and went and did emailing and then rode our bikes to some different places to look at things to get. We came back and grabbed our grill and were picked up by elder Wirth and Kruger and headed to the church to have a BBQ and play some ball. We got back and hurried up to the Jimenez families to have dinner and cake. We had dinner and they gave me this little cake and I had to leave it to be brought another day cause we had another appointment. We arrived at the Ayalas and there on the table was another cake!! HUGE! and covered in chocolate covered strawberries. We ate AGAIN and then ate more cake... I was about to blow up! Good birthday. thanks to all that wished me a happy bday. :)

TUESDAY - I canceled district meeting due to the transfer that happened and we went and did service with the other elders from 1 to 4 and then elder Trover bought some stuff to make candy susi rolls (which I will be doing after the mission too) and we headed back to head to dinner. Brother Naegle came and got us and we had some more... interesting food. Hispanic american food I dont really like. We came back and tried to visit some people and had no luck. 
WEDNESDAY - Really good day today, stayed with Falk and Scott because we had ball in the morning and then we went to district meeting at 10 which was really fun. I just had everyone share their favorite scripture from the book of mormon and talk about dates and such. After we were picked up by Tim, good ol' Tim!!! He took us to Ghengis Grill and it was much needed because I'm going to have to stretch it out the next 2 weeks haha, I have no money left and no food. The packages I sent home killed my mission money. So it was good to eat a big bowl of meat! We headed home and cleaned the apartment a bit and headed to dinner at 5 with Hna Fuentes and then we tracted a bit. It was nice because it was light out and there were people home and it was just easy to do. We contacted 14 people in just the one hour of knocking. Then we taught the Martinez family and the Soreano family and the Aguilera family. Not a bad night! 
THURSDAY - Planning day! We planned all day till dinner with the Garcia family where we had chicken. I'm so tired of chicken every night!!! Thats all we have eaten as of late. We headed to the church to sing a musical number for some baptism example thing they did for the primary where they just went through how the service went. Then we taught English classes. Long day.

FRIDAY - We did service again today, from 1 to 4 and then had dinner with hna Figueroa. Most intersting meal on my mission haha. We had chicken noodle soup, then re heated pizza (which was good) then chicken (of course) and mashed potatoes. What a meal. Its nuts how much they feed you. I feel sick after every dinner and about to blow. But havent gained a pound :) We came back and tried finishing planning. That was our night.
SATURDAY - bball was good. Falk and Scott didn't come but it was okay. Over 20 people there! I played much better than before. Hitting 3s left and right. We have some good people playing with us. I was satisfied as we won the final game after scoring 10 of my teams 11 points consisting of 3 threes in a row and 4 other shots. Its about time I get something going haha. We had coordination at 2, brother Farb was asking for a kick in the face! We finished and then we tried to plan again. We had dinner with the serranos and taught the daughters boyfriend and ran into a member as we headed to our bikes who asked us to teach his parents. He was English and said it was the first time they accepted missionaires. I testify we were there for that reason. We went in and the Spirit was so strong. We shared a scripture and said a prayer. They were both in tears! They all were just amazed at how we spoke spanish "you mean to tell me you go to an ALL spanish branch?!?" haha, its so weird because its normal to us now. But still crazy to others. Good day.
SUNDAY - Good meeting, good church and more chicken for dinner... We ate and headed to visit a few people before heading back to get numbers. Overall good week. Thanks for following!
Elder Jackson


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